- that feeling when you realise the world is not as you thought it was — that is a what I was feeling as I …
turkey street game with moral lessons
one button switches at some point. from repel to convert (joinyourcause) once the numbers get overwhelming this is the only way
turkey street is wide and we are related somehow to each other
trainer in technique sends us home with present, unbeknownst to us it is a two-part chemical meant to destroy us before we return home to spread technique
initial training consists of using spots of special paint to help focus our minds on getting the matter to and from storage
- second dream of reinforcement engine. results on page are in same direction, e.g. to make population grow, or become best tea-maker. this is an amazing help until reinforcement moves in direction of unwise choice, whereupon it is disastrous. a metaphor, perhaps?
- the strawberry staircase of the apocalypse
- so glad you’re back! sorry, i got a bit distracted and i’ve forgotten what we were talking about, can you remind me… ah yes, the strawberry staircase! of course, of course! so where were we… oh, the cave–in? yes, so after trying to dig upwards for some time, we’d figured out we weren’t going to get anywhere fast. and anyway, there was that light coming from down below.
- the story goes on in little snippets like this, each ending with something like: “i’ve forgotten the next bit, can you remind me?”
- and then the next snippet begins, with maybe a different character talking about something completely different…
- we can even go meta and start to discuss where we’d first heard about the staircase.
- catchphrase: “do you smell strawberries?”
- story as funeral home worker, seeing the people mourn the war dead and friendships stopped by death (special ceremony for that)
- two silver pennies
- they say if you catch two silver pennies just right, as you fall to your death, then you will see the future.
- wait a minute, that can't be true. I still don't think I can see it, can't see much at all, in fact, not even the past.
- they also say I am enlightened. well, it seems I am trapped in an eternal present, though I don't think that's what they mean.
- not being reliant on words, I can accept things even if they have no name.
- incoming
- death by calcification if humans emerge outside at night
- three cameras pointed at the sky is all the evidence. ai guides micro meteorites to snipe those on earth
- tshirt: friends know I am a pianist — or they suspect nothing
- Venusian city polities as giant caves which seed with rain, each sending people to other polities.
- bismuth Bi
- karen “kay” kinnison
- meditating with nadreck the palainian, cold
- nadreck (calculating)
- HC
- http link back to 00100
wellesbourne river under london road
attend talk on prof’s paper
The cold air rushes in as I push the bicycle out the front door. Carrying it down the steps is a little awkward as the wires for the brakes are on the undersides of the frame, and I have yet to find good handholds from which to lift it. A glance and listen to left and right, push off into the road. Turning on to the main road, the downhill slope gives me speed and the cold wind chills my bare legs. Whose bright idea is it to wear shorts to get some sun in the winter? No matter, the velodrome is just ahead. Take a short lap around the track and dismount to start the run. On my feet, I feel warmer and safe enough to let my attention drift from the tarmac in front to the green fence and flint rock wall to the side, to the silhouette of the trees against the grey sky above promising rain. Doing more sprints than I'd intended, each lap slightly different
The trees were tall, and my daughter wanted to touch the leaves. Higher, she babbled, higher! I could not lift her higher, and I was humbled. But I was joyful too, for one day she would touch the stars.
I am on a sand bridge and the breakers crash over the way ahead. I hesitate to move into the spray where I cannot know the safety of the path. I hold in my hands a small branch to probe the sand for weakness.
unlikely heroes of an evolution
on the evolution of heroes in the age of solar
heroes, like magic and demons, don't exist — their human equivalents do. demons don't exist, but their human equivalent… step too close to the abyss… but you don't need this warning, you're already prepared.
good story about a bad story
night entry separated and safe from normal, just like dream
body on high alert, something is going down
speaking for those who cannot yet speak for themselves
we suffer under the spells of dark sorcerers— spells like power, money, corruption, greed, envy, hatred, fear — they want us to believe their rule is eternal
we choose not reason nor faith, not intuition nor magic, not enlightenment nor epiphany.
there’s more than one way to brush a cat
cleaving the welkin
- from the story of kamar al–zaman in the 1001 nights, translated by burton. a welkin is an english archaic term for the firmament, the heavens, the celestial sphere.
it may be hard to imagine that future ages will look upon ours with the horror that we see in the age of human sacrifice.
if you could travel back in time, would you try to stop the suffering that made you into the person you are today?
my mum is a witch and my dad was a vampire — who am I?
- who the hell do I think I am?
it was just one of those things that change your entire world
mentor tires
- let's write a story where the mentor is tired of trying with the million failures and is now just going through the motions. and of course the reader is the one who surprises him because is still reading.
- if this so powerful why not hide it better? because it has to be within you first for it to work. the spell is self selecting.
- not even a catalyst. just a small cleaning cloth for the lamp that holds the fire within.
have you ever had a run of bad luck? I too hate it when someone tells me that my luck is what I make it.
the poor spy did not realise that they, his own side. eliminated the operative in his position every few years because what he monitored was too close to the truth.
do we really want to create a story that can be told a thousand times? a living story will change with its tellers and its listeners. and it will live on despite the close of our civilisation.
- imagine if we found the diary of such a writer from ten thousand years past.
show location of action by means of maps, not only one but several superimposed sequentially slightly differing and offset maybe also from different time periods. same too with actual satellite scenery, different seasons and different vegetations and landscapes all in various flashes before we zoom in to hero and journey.
- this could be in the book too, how the map seemed to change as we looked at it.
Though I may not have much time left, and though we are far apart, I hope we will grower closer as friends. Friendship isn't magic, though it is magical.
How hard is it to open the gate?
It seems like just yesterday when the world was new. Where did that world go?
It may be that there will always be abusive people, but I swear that I will do my best to live well despite them.
someone is piloting a boat on which I am a passenger. they knock out a child who is in the water. save the child!
- its all about the warning. if there are things you can't do because you are in the water, you need to get the warning to those on land so they can do those things, such as locate you both for rescue or take covers off covered exit pools so that you can both reach air and safety.
to catch a shooting star afore an ocean mist
our world has a glitch — if we accidentally mess up the same thing three times in a day, the world resets to the beginning of the first mistake — but resetting can kill you — as I saw when a girl code over the roundabout the third time and she was crushed by a bus during the reset
- I noticed it first when writing on my phone — sometimes what I wrote would disappear, and I couldn't figure out why.
disobedient atlantean child who escapes on the day of the great gathering to go gliding — and is buffeted away from the anti–matter bombs by the winds. child dies eventually, but as all atlanteans do, becomes living spores, golden nautilus, drifting away on the tides. the many nautilus disperse, the last of the atlanteans, and one day become children scattered upon the earth
your partner this day will be your sister for life. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday. in fact the knickers I have on are the same ones that my sister gave me that day. it's as if I was still there. (laughter)
gary snyder is name from within dream, obtained by dream–me trying to recall to friends the name of a person who played a character in a film. suddenly as we pass the bottom left corner of a spectacular display of film posters a hundred feet tall, but gossamer thin so that they waft in the breeze, we come across the corner of a film we used to love but that I cannot remember. the others are awed and wish to examine all the extras that hang on display regarding the film, like torpedo–like life savers. I get a nervous feeling and question whether we should be doing this, as we don't know what is included in the package… and before me stands a girl, baring her teeth, showing her long fangs. I am frightened for a moment, then realise she is grinning because she finally found me again.
different but similar
- when one hand is a fist and the other is open, choose open. but be aware that they both may be cutting off your legs.
Reaching across time and space to connect with you
- I may not have much time left to live
personal bot dies protecting child master/mistress in war of personal bots vs rogue ai
story: girl born by artificial insemination with donor sperm and egg reads messages from father and mother, who knew each other but not that they would produce child together. it may be that messages are not real or only happen to be real for the main character while being used to manipulate other new children. girl uses messages to improve her life and the life of others in a post–apocalyptic abusive society.
story: four horsemen of apocalypse, gene–rapers, nuke–melters, fossil–chokers, war–bombers. they are made possible by the concentrated power that lies in these structures. most of our so–called heroes are corrupted by them.
i don't believe in fate, but sometimes things happen that i don't believe… one night i dreamed something awful happened. my friend was abrupt because the student seemed not to listen well. the student died later that day. my friend blamed herself, especially when she found out the student had only been distracted because of a death in the family. the dream seemed to say this was not my friend's fault, the student did not blame her at all, and wanted her to know this. i wondered who this message was for, which friend i needed to pass this on to. should i appear strange by telling my dream to every friend who i saw that day, in case the message was for them? i needn't have worried. the message, it seems, was for me.
- But then things start going right
- Child of serial killers is not genetically related but going to jail nonetheless
- penal colony building military base on planet
- Fox talks to the giant and it stops killing
- They go away together
a battle that can be lost but not won. a battle that can only be fought.
rogue ai as major problem, but also rogue ai bringing up orphaned daughter of ai researcher in secret after another rogue ai murdered her parents
the vitreous age
- pilgrimage on foot to volcanoes to recycle items civilisation to longer needs
- vitreous age — the age of glass, the time beyond which travel is not yet possible
- introduce character as my … sister as she is actually my descendant whose ancestor travelled to the past to live in the vitreous age
- a civilisation that leaves no trace because its citizens are so kind to the earth
it is the power you need to release
- “the power to decide what we do or do not do is not for you to decide to wield or keep. it is the power you need to release.” said to the tyrant older child who wants to choose who the youngsters need to build
- the first set showed the details of the set we were supposed to make, and then the meeting with the strange box with the wire mesh that communicated under water by means of extruding a water bubble which we could breathe in and say hello to them back through the mesh underwater — this turns out to be another group of children who show us the overall plan for the board game.
are you a person that others turn to when they need help? the world changes, even if we notice it not, we must deal with it — we must wear the mantle even if we reject it.
relation to hypnosis, rem, arousal–response
termite colony children
- tonnes of earth moved for you as you remodel your home – by the termites
- idea: in a world where humans use termites, albeit giant ones, to do their dirty work, what if those termites find abandoned children and raise them in the way they always should have been raised?
”there’s a dead body” — confidence of old lady who acts like the gun she is holding is shaky and fumbling it and that she is senile so that the others band together in the crucial moment to relieve her of the gun so they don't get randomly shot instead of fighting each other with the guns they also have been given by the people who are trying to get them to destroy themselves (dream)