biased sequential sampling underlies the effects of time pressure and delay in social decision making
fadong chen, ian krajbich 2018
time pressure increases when we age — we take much longer to make decisions that only required much less time to make when we were younger, ironically leaving less time available for decisions, making us more biased
all you need is kill
桜坂洋 sakurazaka hiroshi 2004
live. die. repeat.
when: the scientific secrets of perfect timing
daniel pink 2018 9781925410501
circadian rhythms
use active period, do not mess with sleep
chronotherapy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may enhance postoperative recovery
h. al-waeli et al. 2020
If you have just had knee, shoulder or hip surgery, you may want to take anti-inflammatories in the morning or at noon, but not at night. A McGill-led study shows, for the first time, that circadian clock genes are involved in healing from surgery. Indeed, the researchers demonstrated that anti-inflammatory medications are most effective in promoting post-operative healing and recovery when taken during the active periods of our biological clocks.
The study, recently published in Scientific Reports, also suggests that if anti-inflammatories are taken either in the afternoon or at night, during the resting phases of the circadian rhythm, they can severely deter healing and bone repair following surgery. That’s because these are the periods when cells known as osteoblasts are rebuilding bone.
Circadian clock genes involved in healing from surgery
Although prior research has shown that circadian clock genes play a role in diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and Parkinson’s, this is the first study to see the effect of the circadian rhythm in any type of surgery or injury. Faleh Tamimi Marino, the Canada Research Chair for Translational Cranofacial Research is the senior co-author on the article, along with Belinda Nicolau and Laura Stone. All are McGill’s Faculty of Dentistry.
Inflammation, following surgery, is crucial to healing since part of the process involves both destroying any bacteria that may be in the area, and signaling to attract the cells that will rebuild the tissues. But the process is not a constant.
“There are periods of inflammation that are actually very destructive, and there are periods that are constructive and important for healing,” said Faleh Tamimi. “So many pharmaceutical companies have been trying to develop drugs that will inhibit the destructive processes during inflammation but not interfere with the helpful ones.”
He adds, “The idea that I came up with in the shower one morning is that we could perhaps use the circadian variations in inflammation to our advantage. The destructive component of the circadian rhythm as it relates to bone healing occurs during the day, when cells known as osteoclasts break down bones. The constructive cells, known as osteoblasts that rebuild bones are active at night. By limiting the use of anti-inflammatories to the mornings and giving analgesics at night for the pain, I thought we might get better results in terms of bone healing than if anti-inflammatories are given throughout the day.”
Significant differences in rates of healing and in genes
The researchers compared pain and bone healing in two different groups of mice with fractured tibia. One group was given constant doses of anti-inflammatories over a twenty-four hour period, while the others were given anti-inflammatories only in the morning — during the active phases of the circadian rhythm — and analgesics at night. The researchers found that the second group recovered from the pain of the injury, and regained bone strength more quickly and more fully. Surprisingly, they also noticed differences between the groups in the expression of over 500 genes specifically related to bone healing processes. “Its almost as if morning anti-inflammatories and evening anti inflammatories were two different drugs” adds Faleh Tamimi.
The rhythm of the body’s own healing
“When I was a child, and I cut myself, my mother would say to me, don’t worry, go to sleep and tomorrow you will be better,” said Haider El-Waeli, the first author on the study, who wrote the paper while working on his PhD at McGill and is now a clinical resident at Dalhousie University. “It turns out she was right because most of the healing happens at night.”
“The body has a rhythm,” adds Tamimi. “And if you give anti-inflammatories in the morning you are working with the rhythm of the body and when you give them at night, you are working against it so you disrupt the healing.”
As a next step, the researchers are collecting preliminary data from a clinical trial monitoring pain and healing related to extraction of wisdom teeth, using two different drug treatments — one involving exclusive use of anti-inflammatories, and the other administering anti-inflammatory medications only in the morning and at noon, and analgesics in the afternoon and evening. The preliminary results are promising.
abstract Postoperative pain relief is crucial for full recovery. With the ongoing opioid epidemic and the insufficient effect of acetaminophen on severe pain; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are heavily used to alleviate this pain. However, NSAIDs are known to inhibit postoperative healing of connective tissues by inhibiting prostaglandin signaling. Pain intensity, inflammatory mediators associated with wound healing and the pharmacological action of NSAIDs vary throughout the day due to the circadian rhythm regulated by the clock genes. According to this rhythm, most of wound healing mediators and connective tissue formation occurs during the resting phase, while pain, inflammation and tissue resorption occur during the active period of the day. Here we show, in a murine tibia fracture surgical model, that NSAIDs are most effective in managing postoperative pain, healing and recovery when drug administration is limited to the active phase of the circadian rhythm. Limiting NSAID treatment to the active phase of the circadian rhythm resulted in overexpression of circadian clock genes, such as Period 2 (Per2) at the healing callus, and increased serum levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-13 (IL-13), interleukin-4 (IL-4) and vascular endothelial growth factor. By contrast, NSAID administration during the resting phase resulted in severe bone healing impairment.
regular mealtimes important for immunity
the neuropeptide vip confers anticipatory mucosal immunity by regulating ilc3 activity
cyril seillet et al. 2020
eating sets off a hormonal ‘chain reaction’ in the gut.
Eating causes a hormone called VIP to kickstart the activity of immune cells in response to potentially incoming pathogens or ‘bad’ bacteria. The researchers also found that immunity increased at anticipated mealtimes indicating that maintaining regular eating patterns could be more important than previously thought.
With the rise in conditions associated with chronic inflammation in the gut, such as irritable bowel and Crohn’s disease, a better understanding of the early protective mechanisms governing gut health could help researchers to develop prevention strategies against unwanted inflammation and disease.
The research, led by Professor Gabrielle Belz and Dr Cyril Seillet from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, was published in the journal Nature Immunology.
At a glance
Eating activates immune cells in the gut that protect against pathogens and preserve gut health.
Immunity in the gut also ramps up at regular mealtimes in anticipation of eating and a potentially increased risk of infection.
Understanding the complex interactions between eating, gut health and inflammation could aid in the development of prevention and treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory diseases.
Armed against invaders
So how does it work?
When food is consumed nerves in the intestine produce a hormone called vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) to ‘switch on’ a protective response in the gut.
Professor Belz said the team showed, for the first time, that food-induced activation of VIP in preclinical models was vital for a subset of immune cells called ILC3s to mount a protective response in the gut.
“Food intake ‘switches on’ VIP, which plays a critical role in alerting the gut’s army of ILC3 immune cells. In response, ILC3s secrete interleukin-22 (IL-22), which swings into protective action to defend against pathogens and maintain tissue integrity.
“We also showed that a deficiency in VIP limits the production of IL-22, which in turn negatively impacts the immune system’s ability to prevent unwanted inflammation,” she said.
The researchers used advanced imaging techniques to identify the ‘players’ integral to protective immunity in the gut. Using a new imaging technique that makes tissue translucent, the researchers were able to capture high-resolution, 3D images of how VIP and ILC3 immune cells interact to protect the gut. Results showed their close proximity which confirmed their interdependence.
Regular meals key to gut health
The researchers also showed that ‘circadian clock’ genes could enable the gut to ramp up immunity in anticipation of regular mealtimes.
Dr Seillet said baseline gut immunity fluctuated throughout the day, based on circadian rhythms and an anticipatory response to regular eating patterns.
“We saw that gut immunity not only spikes with food intake. It also rises and falls due to inbuilt cellular machinery regulated by the circadian clock gene Bmal1, which appears to activate immune cells when eating is likely,” Dr Seillet said.
“While more work needs to be done to better understand this anticipatory mechanism, the results are very interesting and could help to explain why disruptions to circadian rhythms and regular eating patterns could increase chronic inflammation in the gut.”
Protective effect
Dr Seillet said a detailed knowledge about mechanisms for gut protection and tissue repair could be useful for preventing against early-stage gut inflammation, before full-blown disease occurred.
“The next steps of our research include gaining a molecular understanding of what properties of food are responsible for kickstarting the process of protective immunity,” he said.
“For example, are there certain diets that drive a more protective response than others?”
abstract Group 3 innate lymphoid cell (ILC3)-mediated production of the cytokine interleukin-22 (IL-22) is critical for the maintenance of immune homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract. Here, we find that the function of ILC3s is not constant across the day, but instead oscillates between active phases and resting phases. Coordinate responsiveness of ILC3s in the intestine depended on the food-induced expression of the neuropeptide vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Intestinal ILC3s had high expression of the G protein-coupled receptor vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2), and activation by VIP markedly enhanced the production of IL-22 and the barrier function of the epithelium. Conversely, deficiency in signaling through VIPR2 led to impaired production of IL-22 by ILC3s and increased susceptibility to inflammation-induced gut injury. Thus, intrinsic cellular rhythms acted in synergy with the cyclic patterns of food intake to drive the production of IL-22 and synchronize protection of the intestinal epithelium through a VIP–VIPR2 pathway in ILC3s.
resetting the late timing of ‘night owls’ has a positive impact on mental health and performance
elise r.facer-childs et al. 2019
participants were able to bring forward their sleep/wake timings by two hours, while having no negative effect on sleep duration. In addition, participants reported a decrease in feelings of depression and stress, as well as in daytime sleepiness.
“Our research findings highlight the ability of a simple non-pharmacological intervention to phase advance ‘night owls’, reduce negative elements of mental health and sleepiness, as well as manipulate peak performance times in the real world,” lead researcher Dr Elise Facer-Childs from Monash University’s Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health said.
‘Night owls’ are individuals whose internal body clock dictates later-than-usual sleep and wake times — in this study participants had an average bedtime of 2.30am and wake-up time of 10.15am.
Disturbances to the sleep/wake system have been linked to a variety of health issues, including mood swings, increased morbidity and mortality rates, and declines in cognitive and physical performance.
“Having a late sleep pattern puts you at odds with the standard societal days, which can lead to a range of adverse outcomes — from daytime sleepiness to poorer mental wellbeing,” study co-author Dr Andrew Bagshaw from the University of Birmingham said.
“We wanted to see if there were simple things people could do at home to solve this issue. This was successful, on average allowing people to get to sleep and wake up around two hours earlier than they were before. Most interestingly, this was also associated with improvements in mental wellbeing and perceived sleepiness, meaning that it was a very positive outcome for the participants. We now need to understand how habitual sleep patterns are related to the brain, how this links with mental wellbeing and whether the interventions lead to long-term changes.”
Twenty-two healthy individuals participated in the study. For a period of three weeks participants in the experimental group were asked to:
• Wake up 2-3 hours before regular wake up time and maximise outdoor light during the mornings.
• Go to bed 2-3 hours before habitual bedtime and limit light exposure in the evening.
• Keep sleep/wake times fixed on both work days and free days.
• Have breakfast as soon as possible after waking up, eat lunch at the same time each day, and refrain from eating dinner after 7pm.
The results highlighted an increase in cognitive (reaction time) and physical (grip strength) performance during the morning when tiredness is often very high in ‘night owls’, as well as a shift in peak performance times from evening to afternoon. It also increased the number of days in which breakfast was consumed and led to better mental well-being, with participants reporting a decrease in feelings of stress and depression.
“Establishing simple routines could help ‘night owls’ adjust their body clocks and improve their overall physical and mental health. Insufficient levels of sleep and circadian misalignment can disrupt many bodily processes putting us at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes,” Professor Debra Skene from the University of Surrey said.
Dr Facer-Childs said ‘night owls’, compared to ‘morning larks’, tended to be more compromised in our society due to having to fit to work/school schedules that are out of sync with their preferred patterns.
“By acknowledging these differences and providing tools to improve outcomes we can go a long way in a society that is under constant pressure to achieve optimal productivity and performance,” she said.
This intervention could also be applied within more niche settings, such as industry or within sporting sectors, which have a key focus on developing strategies to maximise productivity and optimise performance at certain times and in different conditions.
Here we took a group of ‘night owls’ (i.e. people with extreme late sleeping and waking patterns) and attempted to shift their habitual late timings earlier in a real-world setting using simple, practical non-pharmacological interventions. We show that by using this intervention we can:
•Achieve a phase advance of around two hours
•Decrease self-reported ratings of depression and stress
•Reduce sleepiness in the morning
•Significantly improve simple indices of cognitive and physical performance
There is conflict between living according to our endogenous biological rhythms and our external environment, with disruptions resulting in negative consequences to health and performance. This is often documented in shift work and jet lag, but ‘societal norms’ e.g. typical working hours, can create profound issues for ‘night owls’, people whose internal biological timing predisposes them to follow an unusually late sleep-wake cycle. Night owls have also been associated with health issues, mood disturbances, poorer performance and increased mortality rates. This study used a randomized control trial design aimed to shift the late timing of night owls to an earlier time (phase advance), using non-pharmacological, practical interventions in a real-world setting. These interventions targeted light exposure (through earlier wake up/sleep times), fixed meals times, caffeine intake and exercise. Overall, participants demonstrated a significant advance of ∼2 h in sleep/wake timings as measured by actigraphy and circadian phase markers (dim light melatonin onset and peak time of the cortisol awakening response), whilst having no adverse effect on sleep duration. Importantly, the phase advance was accompanied by significant improvements to self-reported depression and stress, as well as improved cognitive (reaction time) and physical (grip strength) performance measures during the typical ‘suboptimal’ morning hours. Our findings propose a novel strategy for shifting clock timing towards a pattern that is more aligned to societal demands that could significantly improve elements of performance, mental health and sleep timing in the real world.
bipolar mood cycles associated with lunar entrainment of a circadian rhythm
thomas a. wehr 2018
circadian rest-activity pattern changes in aging and preclinical alzheimer disease
erik s. musiek et al. 2018
seasonal plasticity of cognition and related biological measures in adults with and without alzheimer disease: analysis of multiple cohorts
andrew s. p. lim et al. 2018
cell autonomous regulation of herpes and influenza virus infection by the circadian clock
rachel s. edgara et al. 2016
Link: dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1601895113
local modulation of human brain responses by circadian rhythmicity and sleep debt
vincenzo muto et al 2016
Link: dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aad2993
the influence of circadian timing on olfactory sensitivity
rachel s herz et al. 2017
a pilot characterization of the human chronobiome
carsten skarke et al. 2017
a pilot feasibility study exploring the effects of a moderate time-restricted feeding intervention on energy intake, adiposity and metabolic physiology in free-living human subjects
rona antoni et al. 2018
when is the best time to eat dinner? timing matters, especially if your goal is to lose weight
mary jo dilonardo 2018
time-restricted feeding prevents obesity and metabolic syndrome in mice lacking a circadian clock
amandine chaix et al. 2018
•TRF protects clock mutant mice from obesity without changes in activity or calories
•TRF restores rhythms in feeding-fasting, metabolic, and nutrient-sensing pathways
•TRF prevents fatty liver, dyslipidemia, and glucose intolerance in clock mutant mice
•TRF transcriptional program activates cellular homeostasis maintenance pathways
Increased susceptibility of circadian clock mutant mice to metabolic diseases has led to the idea that a molecular clock is necessary for metabolic homeostasis. However, these mice often lack a normal feeding-fasting cycle. We tested whether time-restricted feeding (TRF) could prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome in whole-body Cry1;Cry2 and in liver-specific Bmal1 and Rev-erbα/β knockout mice. When provided access to food ad libitum, these mice rapidly gained weight and showed genotype-specific metabolic defects. However, when fed the same diet under TRF (food access restricted to 10 hr during the dark phase) they were protected from excessive weight gain and metabolic diseases. Transcriptome and metabolome analyses showed that TRF reduced the accumulation of hepatic lipids and enhanced cellular defenses against metabolic stress. These results suggest that the circadian clock maintains metabolic homeostasis by sustaining daily rhythms in feeding and fasting and by maintaining balance between nutrient and cellular stress responses.
inferring dynamic topology for decoding spatiotemporal structures in complex heterogeneous networks
wang s et al. 2018
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis differentially responses to morning and evening psychological stress in healthy subjects
yujiro yamanaka et al. 2018
insulin/igf-1 drives period synthesis to entrain circadian rhythms with feeding time
priya crosby et al. 2019
when insulin was provided to mice at the 'wrong' biological time -- when the animals would normally be resting -- it disrupted normal circadian rhythms, causing less distinction between day and night.
Dr Bechtold said: "We already know that modern society poses many challenges to our health and wellbeing -- things that are viewed as commonplace, such as shift-work, sleep deprivation, and jet lag, disrupt our body clock. It is now becoming clear that circadian disruption is increasing the incidence and severity of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes."
Dr Priya Crosby, a researcher at the MRC LMB and lead author on the study, highlighted: "Our data suggests that eating at the wrong times could have a major impact on our circadian rhythms. There is still work to do here, but paying particular attention to meal timing and light exposure is likely the best way to mitigate the adverse effects of shift-work. Even for those who work more traditional hours, being careful about when we eat is an important way to help maintain healthy body clocks, especially as we age."
abstract •Insulin and IGF-1 are a systemic synchronizing cue for circadian rhythms in mammals
•Insulin and IGF-1 signaling rapidly upregulates translation of PERIOD clock proteins
•Coincident signaling facilitates selective induction of PERIOD synthesis
•Circadian disruption is recapitulated by mistimed insulin in cell and animal models
In mammals, endogenous circadian clocks sense and respond to daily feeding and lighting cues, adjusting internal ∼24 h rhythms to resonate with, and anticipate, external cycles of day and night. The mechanism underlying circadian entrainment to feeding time is critical for understanding why mistimed feeding, as occurs during shift work, disrupts circadian physiology, a state that is associated with increased incidence of chronic diseases such as type 2 (T2) diabetes. We show that feeding-regulated hormones insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) reset circadian clocks in vivo and in vitro by induction of PERIOD proteins, and mistimed insulin signaling disrupts circadian organization of mouse behavior and clock gene expression. Insulin and IGF-1 receptor signaling is sufficient to determine essential circadian parameters, principally via increased PERIOD protein synthesis. This requires coincident mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) activation, increased phosphoinositide signaling, and microRNA downregulation. Besides its well-known homeostatic functions, we propose insulin and IGF-1 are primary signals of feeding time to cellular clocks throughout the body.
time of day differences in neural reward functioning in healthy young men
jamie e. m. byrne et al. 2017
diurnal transcriptome atlas of a primate across major neural and peripheral tissues
ludovic s. mure et al. 2018
double dissociation of single-interval and rhythmic temporal prediction in cerebellar degeneration and parkinson’s disease
assaf breska, richard b. ivry 2018
One type relies on memories from past experiences. The other on rhythm. Both are critical to our ability to navigate and enjoy the world.
New University of California, Berkeley, research shows the neural networks supporting each of these timekeepers are split between two different parts of the brain, depending on the task at hand.
“Whether it’s sports, music, speech or even allocating attention, our study suggests that timing is not a unified process, but that there are two distinct ways in which we make temporal predictions and these depend on different parts of the brain,” said study lead author Assaf Breska, a postdoctoral researcher in neuroscience at UC Berkeley.
The findings, published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, offer a new perspective on how humans calculate when to make a move.
“Together, these brain systems allow us to not just exist in the moment, but to also actively anticipate the future,” said study senior author Richard Ivry, a UC Berkeley neuroscientist.
Breska and Ivry studied the anticipatory timing strengths and deficits of people with Parkinson’s disease and people with cerebellar degeneration.
They connected rhythmic timing to the basal ganglia, and interval timing — an internal timer based largely on our memory of prior experiences — to the cerebellum. Both are primal brain regions associated with movement and cognition.
Moreover, their results suggest that if one of these neural clocks is misfiring, the other could theoretically step in.
“Our study identifies not only the anticipatory contexts in which these neurological patients are impaired, but also the contexts in which they have no difficulty, suggesting we could modify their environments to make it easier for them to interact with the world in face of their symptoms,” Breska said.
Non-pharmaceutical fixes for neurological timing deficits could include brain-training computer games and smartphone apps, deep brain stimulation and environmental design modifications, he said.
To arrive at their conclusion, Breska and Ivry compared how well Parkinson’s and cerebellar degeneration patients used timing or “temporal” cues to focus their attention.
Both groups viewed sequences of red, white and green squares as they flashed by at varying speeds on a computer screen, and pushed a button the moment they saw the green square. The white squares alerted them that the green square was coming up.
In one sequence, the red, white and green squares followed a steady rhythm, and the cerebellar degeneration patients responded well to these rhythmic cues.
In another, the colored squares followed a more complex pattern, with differing intervals between the red and green squares. This sequence was easier for the Parkinson’s patients to follow, and succeed at.
“We show that patients with cerebellar degeneration are impaired in using non-rhythmic temporal cues while patients with basal ganglia degeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease are impaired in using rhythmic cues,” Ivry said.
Ultimately, the results confirm that the brain uses two different mechanisms for anticipatory timing, challenging theories that a single brain system handles all our timing needs, researchers said.
“Our results suggest at least two different ways in which the brain has evolved to anticipate the future,” said Breska.
“A rhythm-based system is sensitive to periodic events in the world such as is inherent in speech and music,” he added. “And an interval system provides a more general anticipatory ability, sensitive to temporal regularities even in the absence of a rhythmic signal.”
abstract Predicting the timing of upcoming events is critical for successful interaction in a dynamic world, and is recognized as a key computation for attentional orienting. Temporal predictions can be formed when recent events define a rhythmic structure, as well as in aperiodic streams or even in isolation, when a specified interval is known from previous exposure. However, whether predictions in these two contexts are mediated by a common mechanism, or by distinct, context-dependent mechanisms, is highly controversial. Moreover, although the basal ganglia and cerebellum have been linked to temporal processing, the role of these subcortical structures in temporal orienting of attention is unclear. To address these issues, we tested individuals with cerebellar degeneration or Parkinson’s disease, with the latter serving as a model of basal ganglia dysfunction, on temporal prediction tasks in the subsecond range. The participants performed a visual detection task in which the onset of the target was predictable, based on either a rhythmic stream of stimuli, or a single interval, specified by two events that occurred within an aperiodic stream. Patients with cerebellar degeneration showed no benefit from single-interval cuing but preserved benefit from rhythm cuing, whereas patients with Parkinson’s disease showed no benefit from rhythm cuing but preserved benefit from single-interval cuing. This double dissociation provides causal evidence for functionally nonoverlapping mechanisms of rhythm- and interval-based temporal prediction for attentional orienting, and establishes the separable contributions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia to these functions, suggesting a mechanistic specialization across timing domains.
evidence for the incorporation of temporal duration information in human hippocampal long-term memory sequence representations
sathesan thavabalasingam et al. 2019
builds on a 2011 study on rodents that found so-called 'time cells' in the hippocampus. These cells were shown to fire during the empty delay in-between two separate events, signaling the passage of time in the order of seconds. The idea is that these cells help bind together information about time when forming a memory.
Lee and his team, including PhD candidate Sathesan Thavabalasingam and postdoc Edward O'Neil, wanted to see if a similar mechanism exists in the human hippocampus that helps integrate time information when memories are being formed.
To test this, 18 participants were asked to learn four short sequences or "memories" that differed in image content and duration between each event. During fMRI, a neuroimaging technique that measures brain activity based on blood flow, they were asked to complete a recognition memory task and then mentally replay each sequence in as much detail as possible.
The researchers found that brain activity patterns in the anterior hippocampus reflected the duration of the empty periods in-between events, complementing what was found in the rodent study.
"This study bridges a gap with the rodent study to show that our hippocampus is interested in time information in the order of seconds during long-term memory processing," says Thavabalasingam, who along with O'Neil are first authors on the study.
It's important to understand the mechanics of how time information is processed in the brain since it's one of several significant dimensions involved in forming long-term memories, adds Thavabalasingam.
"You can't have a memory of an event without having some sort of experience of how long it took place. It's important to better understand how the brain processes the entire timeline of an experience, and how that's being represented in long-term memories," he says
We demonstrate that multivariate patterns of activity in the human hippocampus during the recognition and cued mental replay of long-term sequence memories contain temporal structure information in the order of seconds. By using an experimental paradigm that required participants to remember the durations of empty intervals between visually presented scene images, our study provides evidence that the human hippocampus can represent elapsed time within a sequence of events in conjunction with other forms of information, such as event content. Our findings complement rodent studies that have shown that hippocampal neurons fire at specific times during the empty delay between two events and suggest a common hippocampal neural mechanism for representing temporal information in the service of episodic memory.
There has been much interest in how the hippocampus codes time in support of episodic memory. Notably, while rodent hippocampal neurons, including populations in subfield CA1, have been shown to represent the passage of time in the order of seconds between events, there is limited support for a similar mechanism in humans. Specifically, there is no clear evidence that human hippocampal activity during long-term memory processing is sensitive to temporal duration information that spans seconds. To address this gap, we asked participants to first learn short event sequences that varied in image content and interval durations. During fMRI, participants then completed a recognition memory task, as well as a recall phase in which they were required to mentally replay each sequence in as much detail as possible. We found that individual sequences could be classified using activity patterns in the anterior hippocampus during recognition memory. Critically, successful classification was dependent on the conjunction of event content and temporal structure information (with unsuccessful classification of image content or interval duration alone), and further analyses suggested that the most informative voxels resided in the anterior CA1. Additionally, a classifier trained on anterior CA1 recognition data could successfully identify individual sequences from the mental replay data, suggesting that similar activity patterns supported participants’ recognition and recall memory. Our findings complement recent rodent hippocampal research, and provide evidence that long-term sequence memory representations in the human hippocampus can reflect duration information in the order of seconds.
why the days seem shorter as we get older
adrian bejan 2019
"People are often amazed at how much they remember from days that seemed to last forever in their youth," said Bejan. "It's not that their experiences were much deeper or more meaningful, it's just that they were being processed in rapid fire."
Bejan attributes this phenomenon to physical changes in the aging human body. As tangled webs of nerves and neurons mature, they grow in size and complexity, leading to longer paths for signals to traverse. As those paths then begin to age, they also degrade, giving more resistance to the flow of electrical signals.
These phenomena cause the rate at which new mental images are acquired and processed to decrease with age. This is evidenced by how often the eyes of infants move compared to adults, noted Bejan -- because infants process images faster than adults, their eyes move more often, acquiring and integrating more information.
The end result is that, because older people are viewing fewer new images in the same amount of actual time, it seems to them as though time is passing more quickly.
"The human mind senses time changing when the perceived images change," said Bejan. "The present is different from the past because the mental viewing has changed, not because somebody's clock rings. Days seemed to last longer in your youth because the young mind receives more images during one day than the same mind in old age."
abstract Why does it feel that the time passes faster as we get older? What is the physical basis for the impression that some days are slower than others? Why do we tend to focus on the unusual (the surprise), not on the ever present? This article unveils the physics basis for these common observations. The reason is that the measurable ‘clock time’ is not the same as the time perceived by the human mind. The ‘mind time’ is a sequence of images, i.e. reflections of nature that are fed by stimuli from sensory organs. The rate at which changes in mental images are perceived decreases with age, because of several physical features that change with age: saccades frequency, body size, pathways degradation, etc. The misalignment between mental-image time and clock time serves to unite the voluminous observations of this phenomenon in the literature with the constructal law of evolution of flow architecture, as physics.
when an hour feels shorter: future boundary tasks alter consumption by contracting time
gabriela tonietto et al. 2018
movement-contingent time flow in virtual reality causes temporal recalibration
ambika bansal et al. 2019
study involved 18 females and 13 males with normal vision and no sensory, musculoskeletal or neurological disorders. The researchers used a virtual reality game, Robo Recall, to create a natural setting in which to encourage re-calibration of time perception. The key manipulation of the study was that the researchers coupled the speed and duration of visual events to the participant's body movements.
The researchers measured participants' time perception abilities before and after they were exposed to the dynamic VR task. Some participants also completed non-VR time-perception tasks, such as throwing a ball, to use as a control comparison.
The researchers measured the actual and perceived durations of a moving probe in the time perception tasks. They discovered that the virtual reality manipulation was associated with significant reductions in the participants' estimates of time, by around 15 percent.
"This study adds valuable proof that the perception of time is flexible, and that VR offers a potentially valuable tool for recalibrating time in the brain," says Weech. "It offers a compelling application for rehabilitation initiatives that focus on how time perception breaks down in certain populations."
Weech adds, however, that while the effects were strong during the current study, more research is needed to find out how long the effects last, and whether these signals are observable in the brain. "For developing clinical applications, we need to know whether these effects are stable for minutes, days, or weeks afterward. A longitudinal study would provide the answer to this question."
"Virtual reality technology has matured dramatically," says Michael Barnett-Cowan, neuroscience professor in the Department of Kinesiology and senior author of the paper. "VR now convincingly changes our experience of space and time, enabling basic research in perception to inform our understanding of how the brains of normal, injured, aged and diseased populations work and how they can be treated to perform optimally."
abstract Virtual reality (VR) provides a valuable research tool for studying what occurs when sensorimotor feedback loops are manipulated. Here we measured whether exposure to a novel temporal relationship between action and sensory reaction in VR causes recalibration of time perception. We asked 31 participants to perform time perception tasks where the interval of a moving probe was reproduced using continuous or discrete motor methods. These time perception tasks were completed pre- and post-exposure to dynamic VR content in a block-counterbalanced order. One group of participants experienced a standard VR task (“normal-time”), while another group had their real-world movements coupled to the flow of time in the virtual space (“movement contingent time-flow; MCTF”). We expected this novel action-perception relationship to affect continuous motor time perception performance, but not discrete motor time perception. The results indicated duration-dependent recalibration specific to a motor task involving continuous movement such that the probe intervals were under-estimated by approximately 15% following exposure to VR with the MCTF manipulation. Control tasks in VR and non-VR settings produced similar results to those of the normal-time VR group, confirming the specificity of the MCTF manipulation. The findings provide valuable insights into the potential impact of VR on sensorimotor recalibration. Understanding this process will be valuable for the development and implementation of rehabilitation practices.
chronoprints: identifying samples by visualizing how they change over space and time
brittney a. mckenzie et al. 2019
to distinguish authentic from adulterated drugs and food by observing how they behave when disturbed by temperature changes or other causes. Two substances with identical compositions should respond the same way to a disturbance, and if two substances appear identical but respond differently, their composition must be different, they reasoned.
McKenzie designed a set of experiments to test this idea. She loaded samples of pure olive oil, one of the world's most commonly adulterated foods, and cough syrup, which is often diluted or counterfeited in the developing world, into tiny channels on a microfluidic chip, and chilled it quickly in liquid nitrogen. A USB microscope camera filmed the samples reacting to the temperature change.
McKenzie and Grover wrote software that converts the video to a bitmap image. Because the image showed how the sample changed over time, the researchers called it a "chronoprint."
The team then used image analysis algorithms to compare different chronoprints from the same substance. They found that each pure substance had a reliable chronoprint over multiple tests.
Next, they repeated the experiment with samples of olive oil that had been diluted with other oils and cough syrup diluted with water. The adulterated samples produced chronoprints that were different from the pure samples. The difference was so big, so obvious, and so consistent the researchers concluded that chronoprints and image analysis algorithms can reliably detect some types of food and drug fraud.
"The significant visual differences between the samples were both unexpected and exciting, and with them being consistent we knew this could be a useful way to identify a wide range of samples," McKenzie said.
Grover said their technique creates a powerful new connection between chemistry and computer science.
"By basically converting a chemical sample to an image, we can take advantage of all the different image analysis algorithms that computer scientists have developed," he said. "And as those algorithms get better, our ability to chemically identify a sample should get better, too."
The researchers used liquids in their experiments but note the method could also be used on solid materials dissolved in water, and other types of disturbance, such as heat or a centrifuge, could be used for substances that don't react well to freezing. The technique is easy to learn, making highly trained experts unnecessary. Chronoprinting requires hobbyist-grade equipment and software downloadable for free from Grover's lab website, putting it well within reach of government agencies and labs with limited resources.
See how chronoprinting works in this video: https://youtu.be/qbyE68qD2Zo
abstract The modern tools of chemistry excel at identifying a sample, but the cost, size, complexity, and power consumption of these instruments often preclude their use in resource-limited settings. In this work, we demonstrate a simple and low-cost method for identifying a sample based on visualizing how the sample changes over space and time in response to a perturbation. Different types of perturbations could be used, and in this proof-of-concept we use a dynamic temperature gradient that rapidly cools different parts of the sample at different rates. We accomplish this by first loading several samples into long parallel channels on a “microfluidic thermometer chip.” We then immerse one end of the chip in liquid nitrogen to create a dynamic temperature gradient along the channels, and we use an inexpensive USB microscope to record a video of how the samples respond to the changing temperature gradient. The video is then converted into several bitmap images (one per sample) that capture each sample’s response to the perturbation in both space (the y-axis; the distance along the dynamic temperature gradient) and time (the x-axis); we call these images “chronological fingerprints” or “chronoprints” of each sample. If two samples’ chronoprints are similar, this suggests that the samples are the same chemical substance or mixture, but if two samples’ chronoprints are significantly different, this proves that the samples are chemically different. Since chronoprints are just bitmap images, they can be compared using a variety of techniques from computer science, and in this work we use three different image comparison algorithms to quantify chronoprint similarity. As a demonstration of the versatility of chronoprints, we use them in three different applications: distinguishing authentic olive oil from adulterated oil (an example of the over $10 billion global problem of food fraud), identifying adulterated or counterfeit medication (which represents around 10% of all medication in low- and middle-income countries), and distinguishing the occasionally confused pharmaceutical ingredients glycerol and diethylene glycol (whose accidental or intentional substitution has led to hundreds of deaths). The simplicity and versatility of chronoprints should make them valuable analytical tools in a variety of different fields.
A simple and low-cost method is reported for identifying a sample based on visualizing how the sample changes over space and time in response to a perturbation.
notes on doing things
sarah perry 2018
the time-pressure illusion: discretionary time vs. free time
robert e. goodin et al. 2005
one issue with their definitions is conversion of time to “escape poverty” leaves out other consequences of the transaction — stressful jobs that diminish health, for example
how to be alone
sara maitland
observation of a discrete time crystal
j. zhang et al. 2017
identifying cis elements for spatiotemporal control of mammalian dna replication
jiao sima et al. 2018
Gilbert and Sima examined a single segment of the DNA in the highest possible 3D resolution and saw three sequences along the DNA molecule touching each other frequently. The researchers then used CRISPR, a sophisticated gene editing technology, to remove these three areas simultaneously.
And with that, they found that these three elements together were the key to DNA replication.
"Removing these elements shifted the segment's replication time from the very beginning to the very end of the process," Gilbert said. "This was one of those moments where just one result knocks your socks off."
In addition to the effect on replication timing, the removal of the three elements caused the 3D structure of the DNA molecule to change dramatically.
"We have for the first time pinpointed specific DNA sequences in the genome that regulate chromatin structure and replication timing," Sima said. "These results reflect one possible model of how DNA folds inside cells and how these folding patterns could impact the hereditary materials' function."
abstract The temporal order of DNA replication (replication timing [RT]) is highly coupled with genome architecture, but cis-elements regulating either remain elusive. We created a series of CRISPR-mediated deletions and inversions of a pluripotency-associated topologically associating domain (TAD) in mouse ESCs. CTCF-associated domain boundaries were dispensable for RT. CTCF protein depletion weakened most TAD boundaries but had no effect on RT or A/B compartmentalization genome-wide. By contrast, deletion of three intra-TAD CTCF-independent 3D contact sites caused a domain-wide early-to-late RT shift, an A-to-B compartment switch, weakening of TAD architecture, and loss of transcription. The dispensability of TAD boundaries and the necessity of these “early replication control elements” (ERCEs) was validated by deletions and inversions at additional domains. Our results demonstrate that discrete cis-regulatory elements orchestrate domain-wide RT, A/B compartmentalization, TAD architecture, and transcription, revealing fundamental principles linking genome structure and function.
slow motion increases perceived intent
eugene m. caruso, zachary c. burns, and benjamin a. converse 2016
Link: m.pnas.org/content/early/2016/07/27/1603865113
what doesn't kill you makes you dumber; strengthening the link between infectious disease, intelligence and personality
paul hunter 2012
time, evolution and physical reductionism; the arrow of evolutionary time challenges an eventual physical theory of everything
valentí rull 2012
stratigraphic signatures of mass extinctions: ecological and sedimentary determinants
rafał nawrot et al. 2018
Florida Museum of Natural History researchers used a series of 130-foot cores drilled from the Po Plain in northeastern Italy to test a thought experiment: Imagine catastrophe strikes the Adriatic Sea, swiftly wiping out modern marine life. Could this hypothetical mass extinction be reconstructed correctly from mollusks — hard-shelled animals such as oysters and mussels — preserved in these cores?
When they examined the cores, the results were “somewhat unnerving,” said Michal Kowalewski, Thompson Chair of Invertebrate Paleontology and the study’s principal investigator.
Paleontologists use the age of a species’ last-known fossil to estimate the timing of extinction. A sudden extinction in the Adriatic Sea today should leave the youngest remains of many mollusk species in the sediments currently forming on the shore and seabed, the “ground zero” of the hypothetical extinction event. But the team found only six of 119 mollusk species — all of which are still alive in the area — at the top of the cores. Instead, the last fossil examples of many of these species often appeared in clusters dotted throughout the cores, suggesting smaller bursts of extinctions over a longer timeline, not a single massive die-off.
Taken at face value, the cores presented a dramatically distorted record of both the timing and tempo of extinction, potentially calling into question some of the methods paleontologists commonly use to interpret past mass extinctions.
“We’re not saying you cannot study mass extinctions. You can,” Kowalewski said. “What we’re saying is that the nature of the geological record is complicated, so it is not trivial to decipher it correctly.”
The results of their analysis did not come as a complete surprise. Computer models designed by paleontologists Steven Holland and Mark Patzkowsky had made similar predictions about how the final resting place of fossils — influenced by species’ ecological preferences, sea level and the makeup of sedimentary basins — could skew patterns of mass extinction.
“This is, to my knowledge, the first empirical study to use the fossil record of living species to test these models rigorously and computationally, rather than theoretically,” Kowalewski said. “We know these species are still living in the Adriatic Sea, so we can be sure that their disappearance from the fossil record does not represent a true extinction.”
Paleontologists have been grappling with the complications of interpreting mass extinctions in the fossil record for several decades. Even the extinction of the dinosaurs was thought to be a gradual, drawn-out process until evidence of a lethal meteor impact emerged in 1980. The problem is a phenomenon known as the Signor-Lipps effect: Because the fossil record is incompletely sampled, the last-known fossil of a given species is almost certainly not the last member of that species, which muddles our ability to date extinctions.
Applied on a larger scale, the Signor-Lipps effect can make abrupt mass extinctions appear gradual. A common approach to correct for this effect is to assume that where fossils end up — and are later discovered — is random, and mathematically adjust estimates of extinction timing accordingly.
But it’s more complicated than that, Kowalewski said, because the fossil record is not created in a random way.
Climatic cycles trigger changes in sea level, causing shorelines to advance or recede and driving changes in environments. A beach may become a mudflat, for example, or a delta can turn into a coastal plain. Shifts in sea level can also affect sedimentation rates — how quickly mud and sand are deposited. These factors can cause last occurrences of fossils to cluster together and influence the probability of finding fossils in a given location.
When the researchers reordered the species represented in the cores from the Po basin according to their last occurrence, they noted several points at which many species appeared to vanish simultaneously. In reality, none of the species had gone extinct. They disappeared from a given site either because local environmental conditions changed, or they were simply missed during the sampling, said Rafal Nawrot, the study’s first author and a postdoctoral researcher in invertebrate paleontology at the Florida Museum.
The cores also depicted a false pattern of extinction, with the majority of offshore species disappearing in a single large “pulse” in the lower part of the cores and shallow-water and brackish species fading out in several smaller pulses. This is because species followed their preferred habitats as they shifted with changing sea levels. Deeper-water dwellers vanished first, as the local river delta started to expand into the Adriatic Sea, replacing open sea with coastal conditions. When shorelines advanced even farther, shallow-water species disappeared as well.
“It’s important to admit that fossil species — just like modern ones — have specific ecological requirements, which sounds obvious but is not always acknowledged,” Nawrot said.
Current methods may give researchers the illusion of precision but fail to account for these factors, which are crucial to correctly interpreting past extinction events, he said.
“If you apply methods based on the assumption of random fossilization, you get a precise estimate, but it may be wrong by millions of years,” Nawrot said. “Not only the pattern of extinction but also the timing of extinction would be wrongly interpreted, so this is quite important.”
While the findings are sobering, the situation is far from hopeless, Kowalewski said. When the team incorporated methods that accounted for species’ ecological preferences, distribution and abundance into the analysis, the results were a much closer approximation of what exists in the basin today.
“This provides us with an initial guideline of how to analyze these types of data to get a more realistic assessment of extinction events,” Kowalewski said. “Certainly, this is a work in progress.”
abstract stratigraphic patterns of last occurrences (LOs) of fossil taxa potentially fingerprint mass extinctions and delineate rates and geometries of those events. Although empirical studies of mass extinctions recognize that random sampling causes LOs to occur earlier than the time of extinction (Signor–Lipps effect), sequence stratigraphic controls on the position of LOs are rarely considered. By tracing stratigraphic ranges of extant mollusc species preserved in the Holocene succession of the Po coastal plain (Italy), we demonstrated that, if mass extinction took place today, complex but entirely false extinction patterns would be recorded regionally due to shifts in local community composition and non-random variation in the abundance of skeletal remains, both controlled by relative sea-level changes. Consequently, rather than following an apparent gradual pattern expected from the Signor–Lipps effect, LOs concentrated within intervals of stratigraphic condensation and strong facies shifts mimicking sudden extinction pulses. Methods assuming uniform recovery potential of fossils falsely supported stepwise extinction patterns among studied species and systematically underestimated their stratigraphic ranges. Such effects of stratigraphic architecture, co-produced by ecological, sedimentary and taphonomic processes, can easily confound interpretations of the timing, duration and selectivity of mass extinction events. Our results highlight the necessity of accounting for palaeoenvironmental and sequence stratigraphic context when inferring extinction dynamics from the fossil record.
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creating flow with omnifocus
kourosh dini 2018
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kourosh dini not yet read
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getting productive with omni software: exploiting omnifocus, omnioutliner and omniplan
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Link: 2doapp.com/tips-tricks/
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Link: weekcal.com/
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work diary workflowusing drafts and apple watch
dr drang 2018
alternatively, create a simple python script for use with pythonista keyboard to prepend to a text file in csv format, process in any spreadsheet; for example, two buttons (could be just one, with slightly trickier conditions), one for time before work, one for time after work. auto calculation relative to normal work time gives extra hours worked
hours time tracker
Link: hourstimetracking.com/
klok (ios)
Link: buuuk.com/klok/
the door into summer
robert heinlein
timefulness: how thinking like a geologist can help save the world
marcia bjornerud 2018
morning how to make time a manifesto
allan jenkins 2018
the psychology of time perception
john wearden 2016
why time flies: a mostly scientific investigation
alan burdick 2017
the slow fix: solve problems, work smarter, and live better in a world addicted to speed
carl honore 2013
your brain is a time machine: the neuroscience and physics of time
dean buonomano 2017
geography of time: the temporal misadventures of a social psychologist, or how every culture keeps time just a little bit differently
robert v. levine 1997, 2006
why time flies: a mostly scientific investigation
alan burdick 2014
life is strange
the optimist’s telescope: thinking ahead in a reckless age
bina venkataraman 2019
a briefer history of time
leonard mlodinow, stephen hawking 2005
buying time
joe haldeman
an ocean of minutes
thea lim 2018
here and now and then
mike chen 2019
this is how you lose the time war
amal el-mohtar, max gladstone 2019
the future of another timeline
annalee newitz 2019
children of time
adrian tchaikovsky 2015
children of ruin
adrian tchaikovsky 2020
cage of souls
adrian tchaikovsky 2019
most people understand objects well but not processes. especially important to understand time and change.
for example, entire elaborate theories or objects are built but they don't take account of time, such as the theory of comparative advantage.
time after time
cyndi lauper
Link: 01067-56f8129138904a726d32cdf62cd5894d.html